Page name: onimusha fans united [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-16 03:17:51
Last author: Mortaltirant
Owner: Mortaltirant
# of watchers: 7
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 Welcome to Onimusha Fans United. This is where you talk about all things Onimusha or anything else this is for the people to have fun. To sign up put your name on the member list. Have fun and if you have any banners you would like to donate send them to me or add them to the banners.

For all people who don't know Onimusha it is a game set in feudal japan and present day France. If you play games and you have not tryed one of the many Onimushas you need to at least rent one. It is for Xbox and Playstation2.

If you have questions I am [Mortaltirant] visit any time. <img:>This is one of my banners there is more banners at Onimusha Fan Banners

Sign up here. Onimusha Fan Members

Take your own Onimusha banner here:Onimusha Fan Banners

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2005-08-09 [Mortaltirant]: Yes it is, do you have blood? *smiles & laughs*

2005-08-09 [Siyue]: yesh, plenty. I steal it from people

2005-08-09 [Mortaltirant]: I am humbled to be in your presence *BOW TO KNEE*

2005-08-09 [ChibiYuffie77]: Err...I moved out of Elftown but I'll be glad to join ^^

2005-08-10 [Mortaltirant]: ok you are now signed up

2005-08-10 [Siyue]: MWAH HA HA! *ahem* sorry bout that...I get outta hand sometimes.

2005-08-11 [Mortaltirant]: Ya i know it from first hand experience. Shes a naughty girl. ^~^

2005-08-11 [Siyue]: Who Me??!

2005-08-11 [Mortaltirant]: Ya you

2005-08-11 [Mortaltirant]: Ya you :D just kiddn  couldnt resist

2005-08-11 [Siyue]: Ha ha. I'ma good girl most of the time

2005-08-11 [The Rejekt]: no u ain't lol jk

2005-08-11 [Mortaltirant]: Yes she is some of the time...while she is asleep I guess?

2005-08-11 [The Rejekt]: lol that is probably the only time

2005-08-11 [Mortaltirant]: Sorry [Siyue] but you know it's true. :D

2005-08-11 [The Rejekt]: lol

2005-08-12 [lenardo]: everyone knows it

2005-08-12 [Siyue]: Sensei, you don't know me. I good. but..I'm not. ha ha I'm evil! *evil laugh#427

2005-08-12 [Siyue]: Sensei, you don't know me. I good. but..I'm not. ha ha I'm evil! *evil laugh#427*

2005-08-12 [The Rejekt]: lol

2005-08-13 [Mortaltirant]: not evil...possessed not the same thing

2005-08-13 [The Rejekt]: \m/\m/ word life

2005-08-13 [Mortaltirant]: what you talking about

2005-08-13 [The Rejekt]: nothin homie g lol

2005-08-13 [Siyue]: yo G..holla back.....or...something

2005-08-13 [Mortaltirant]: holla...

2005-08-13 [Siyue]: yes. holla...Everyone should just write "holla" and it would be funny.

2005-08-14 [Nait]: .. There ain't no holla back, girl.. *Kills self for even thinking of that song*

2005-08-14 [Mortaltirant]: we will miss her.

2005-08-14 [Nait]: Oh nooo.. I have risen from the dead as.. a badger-flesh eating zombie! Ahhhhh....

2005-08-14 [Mortaltirant]: Zombie...I want to be a zombie.

2005-08-14 [Nait]: First... you have to go through the initiation test.

2005-08-14 [Mortaltirant]: well never mind...I can't take a is starting soon I will have enought tests soon enough. *Bangs head on wall because of school.*

2005-08-14 [Nait]: Oh, please.. No mentioning that in my presence. Just the thought makes me want to murder someone.

2005-08-14 [Mortaltirant]: same right back

2005-08-14 [Mortaltirant]: ok...don't kill them with good clothes on...blood stains poor shirt.

2005-08-14 [Nait]: But I can't just go off and kill someone and not look good while doing it... Besides, I'm so good, the blood of others really just splatter around me. Not on me.

2005-08-14 [Mortaltirant]: You are right, and that is a handy trick.

2005-08-14 [Nait]: Trick of the masters of life.. Oh yes.. I'm that good.

2005-08-14 [Mortaltirant]: Masters of life...trick...ok i call it a gift...or atleast that is what I think.

2005-08-14 [Nait]: Well, you go ahead with yours gifts and presents and... show toons... I'll stick with my tricks.

2005-08-14 [Mortaltirant]: got it.

2005-08-14 [Mortaltirant]: So whats up with everybody?  Talking to everyoune who will listen/talk.

2005-08-15 [Siyue]: Mwah ha ha ha!!...and that's all.

2005-08-15 [Mortaltirant]: yes ha ha ha someone talked.

2005-08-15 [The Rejekt]: wat's up my peeps

2005-08-15 [Mortaltirant]: Nothing once again.

2005-08-15 [The Rejekt]: shut up punk lol

2005-08-16 [Mortaltirant]: Shut yourself up...

2005-08-16 [Dannys440]: stfu jason!!!

2005-08-16 [Mortaltirant]: danny you shut up

2005-08-16 [Nait]: Ew, DanDan.. wtf?

2005-08-16 [Mortaltirant]: just ignore him.

2005-08-16 [Nait]: Oh, will do.

2005-08-16 [Mortaltirant]: he doesn't know what he is saying.

2005-08-16 [Nait]: I expected as much. Tee hee.

2005-08-16 [Mortaltirant]: expected i knew he didn't before he started typing.

2005-08-16 [Nait]: Harsh.. Yet funny all the same. *giggle* =3

2005-08-16 [Mortaltirant]: yes...yes it is in both aspects.  But I must apologize...I am sorry danny...

2005-08-17 [Dannys440]: i am offically mentally insaine so excuse me for my actions!!!

2005-08-17 [Siyue]: Danny, you're not insane in any're like...the anti-insane one.

2005-08-17 [Mortaltirant]: [Siyue] do you know who you are talking about???

2005-08-18 [weasel6]: 765t576t7432 743tf67weyo87ty3w 6cghfgyutuijghjhdhsyfghfgfhdgghdfhhfdhfgghfggfhsfghkhhfjkhghghgdhgfsfefhgffgdfgrfredexsaqwsfdcghuyhbbjkljui

2005-08-18 [weasel6]: ooops   *__*

2005-08-18 [Siyue]: I believe so 0_0

2005-08-18 [Mortaltirant]: What did you do set on the keyboard?  Y ou got ta watch where you set... right [Siyue].

2005-08-18 [Dannys440]: God damn it KITTY!!!Weasel6 get off the keyboard you fuckin JEW!

2005-08-18 [Big Sumpter]: yo man slayer i finaly put up a banner for your wiki at my huouse oh and check my new pics

2005-08-18 [Siyue]: right... :|

2005-08-19 [Mortaltirant]: Haven't been hearing much from you [Siyue] are you mad or something???

2005-08-19 [Siyue]: Of course I'm not mad, Just...Don't know what to say. =3

2005-08-19 [Mortaltirant]: say anything you wan't...

2005-08-19 [Siyue]: hhhmm... They don't like the toast.

2005-08-19 [Nait]: .... I shall slay those who disgrace the disgraceful name of toast.

2005-08-19 [The Rejekt]: i love toast it is so good

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: Buttered toast & gravey....P.S. [Big Sumpter] check your mail if you see new guitar....a warloch.

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: toast rulez

2005-08-20 [Siyue]: far...the greatest food...buttered of course...

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: yes exactly

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: as long as there is no jelly or jam.....

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: yea that's sick

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: ya really...

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: really sick

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: ok what are you talking about mickey? Are you being a sick bastard?

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: no i was tlkn bout the damn toast thing dumbass

2005-08-20 [Dannys440]: toast, sweet...Can i have a pic jason?

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: a pic???

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: i think he meant a piece lol

2005-08-20 [Nait]: You guys are all nuts... Toast is only good in its natural form with nothing on it.

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: Never butter and gravy exclusive...

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: hey it tastes great with butter on it

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: not without....right everyone?

2005-08-20 [Nait]: No butter, no gravy, no jam, no ANYTHING... Plain all the way.

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: hey it's good plain 2

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: Not as good [Nait].

2005-08-20 [Nait]: Ok.. Now you're all being crazy. Toast sucks with anything on it..

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: no it tastes good with butter on it

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: Not really....or at all [Nait].....and who are you to call me crazy I am sane as you maby even more so... <img:file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/betty%20acord/My%20Documents/My%20Pictures/warloch> How you like it?

2005-08-20 [Nait]: Butter is the menion of evil... And not the good kind of evil, either. More like sunshine and butterflies evil.

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: i hate the sun

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: you didn't say if you like the guitar.... and here is the case... <img:file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/betty%20acord/My%20Documents/My%20Pictures/coffin%20case.jpg>

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: Where did everyone go?

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: i'm still here

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: Ok good....What happenned to [Nait].

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: idk

2005-08-20 [Nait]: I, uhh... [Nait] died. Yea.. Something about vampires and a wooden spatula.

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: lol

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: Spatulas will attack at the blink of an eye...but wooden ones are worse....they are so viceous...and [Nait] or nait incarnate what do you think about the guitar and case for the third time....I wan't to know how you like it.

2005-08-20 [Nait]: I, my friend, cannot see it for some reason it does not let me see pics you send me. Perhaps you will once again have to send through via e-mail.

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: ok i'll try..... i sent them to you your name was right

2005-08-20 [Nait]: Yus.

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: dat's cool

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: you like them?

2005-08-20 [Nait]: Osht... Those are awesome. I want that case, mostly, but the guitar is equally as sweet.

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: that case is wicked

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: Yes I would love to get the case...If i learn to play my mom will get it for is from 99.00 to 159.00

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: i know how 2 play a lil bit b/c Brandon helped me

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: I am going to try to take lessons.... do you know the music stores name next to finish like and bookland?

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: showtime or somethin id really know 4 sure lol

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: Thats alright apearently no one does...

2005-08-20 [Nait]: Isn't it 'All About Music' or something?

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: It may be...I can't remember.

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: i have no clue

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: Like I said I don't think anyone does....probobly the people that work there might not even know the name.

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: probably not lol

2005-08-20 [Nait]: That'd be almost sad.. On another note, I'm having my mum buy me a bass guitar because I'm Haruko from FLCL. Tee hee.

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: Ok cool what are you looking bor a b.c. rich hamer ect.?

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: by the way i recomend you should get a bc rich beast or a bc rich bich...

2005-08-20 [Nait]: I have no idea what either of those are, but I just want one that looks like Haruko's. I'm not going to actually play it, probably.. Just hit people/things with it.

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: lol hit me 1st

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: Try going to if you wan't to order it...they have some nice deals on their stuff.

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: dat's cool

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: what is....

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: that website thing

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: You haven't even had time to look at it though.........

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: so it's still cool lol

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: Ya....Ya it is

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: but i am gonna check it out right now

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: ok cool...

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: dude so far it's wicked

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: ya i know......

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: i love them guitars they rock

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: i know i think mine looks best out of all of can order a catalog from them....

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: how much r they?!?

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: i got mine on ebay for 245.00  on there they are around 354.00

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: i'm tlkn bout the catalog

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: Never mind i just found it on sale for 259.00 reg 375.00

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: o lol

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: the catalog is free

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: o dat's cool

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: Ya my brother ordered it for me so don't ask me where it is...

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: o ok i won't

2005-08-20 [Mortaltirant]: I'm getting off talk to you later.....

2005-08-20 [The Rejekt]: ok ttyl

2005-08-21 [Mortaltirant]: I'm back....

2005-08-21 [The Rejekt]: i know lol

2005-08-21 [Mortaltirant]: Is anyone going to talk???

2005-08-21 [doom20034]: hello

2005-08-21 [Mortaltirant]: hark....someone speaks.

2005-08-21 [doom20034]: Is anyone going to talk???

2005-08-21 [Mortaltirant]: duh i just did....can't you figure out how to send a message?

2005-08-21 [doom20034]: yes

2005-08-21 [doom20034]: yes

2005-08-21 [Mortaltirant]: send me a message so i can put you on muy friend list...

2005-08-21 [doom20034]: i do not now how

2005-08-21 [doom20034]: hello

2005-08-21 [Mortaltirant]: i already sent you a message....go to it and at the bottom there is a blank space to type a reply...thenn you click send reply

2005-08-21 [Mortaltirant]: I am board will anyone start a conversation???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

2005-08-21 [Dannys440]: you gonna learn to play that guitar?

2005-08-21 [Mortaltirant]: ya it is supposed to be 50 a month though....and another prob is it is on wed they teach and school......

2005-08-21 [Dannys440]: do it yourself

2005-08-21 [Dannys440]: go to walmart buy a book read it,then go to and get the chords

2005-08-21 [Mortaltirant]: i might....

2005-08-21 [Dannys440]: be cheaper

2005-08-21 [Mortaltirant]: ya... but probobly harder

2005-08-21 [Dannys440]: harder so

2005-08-21 [Dannys440]: if i can borrow weses i am gonna teach myself

2005-08-21 [Mortaltirant]: i went to that place you told me to i can't figure out about the numbers...i don't know why though

2005-08-21 [Dannys440]: you gotta learn all the basic chord and stuff i will tell wes to talk to you.

2005-08-21 [The Rejekt]: yea

2005-08-21 [Siyue]: By da vay, eets 'Showtime Music'...and uuh...Who is dees DOOM2006? Brandon Brock? AAAAAHH!!!!!!!

2005-08-21 [Siyue]: eeff eets da one in da mall, eets called showtime music, eef eets da one next to shoneys, its all about muzeek. Okay, enough with the accent.

2005-08-21 [The Rejekt]: lol

2005-08-21 [Mortaltirant]: Whats up with the accent???? and thanks....alittle late but thanks...

2005-08-22 [Siyue]: I love life is gigantic accent. ha ha

2005-08-22 [The Rejekt]: lol dat's cool i guess

2005-08-22 [Nait]: Kind of like toaster stroodles, [Siyue]?

2005-08-22 [The Rejekt]: lol

2005-08-22 [Mortaltirant]: ya...ok???

2005-08-22 [Siyue]: strudels are the best.

2005-08-22 [Siyue]: Hey...take my poll. I'll give you breakfast.

2005-08-22 [The Rejekt]: ok lol i'll take it lmao

2005-08-22 [Big Sumpter]: illl take yours if u take mine ok

2005-08-22 [Siyue]: Sounds like a plan to me.

2005-08-22 [Siyue]: Thanks for taking my poll, I appreciate it.

2005-08-22 [Mortaltirant]: I took it to... of course you can... why even ask???

2005-08-23 [Siyue]: ha ha ha! Because, the cheerleaders always take it! BAH! This year, they're going down! I'm gettin' flyers...yeah!

2005-08-23 [The Rejekt]: u r gonna win [Siyue] b/c i am votin 4 ya

2005-08-23 [Dannys440]: i aint voting for her!!!

2005-08-23 [The Rejekt]: y not?

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